2024 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1
Journal of Educational Studies J-EDUCAT
Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
From the Editors /Editörlerden (Ön Sayfalar)
Research Paper -01
Mental Health Problems of Students Studying Abroad
Xaricdə Təhsil Alan Tələbələrdə Psixi Sağlamlığında Yaranan Problemlər
Dosent Dr. Sevinc Allahyarova, Dosent Dr. Aydan Səməndərova
The number of students studying abroad in the world and in Azerbaijan is increasing every year. The reason for this is the integration of business, medicine and other fields on a global scale in the active world in modern times, the chance to benefit from the experience of different countries, and ndividual development factors. The chance to study abroad leads to an increase in students' outlook and self-confidence, and the formation of a different point of view in a person. This helps them gain a better position in the competition and also helps them acquire important human qualities. The increase in the number of foreign students, both in the world and in Azerbaijan, prompted the solution of issues related to identifying and eliminating social, psychological and academic problems related to education abroad. Thus, depression, anxiety, stress and adaptation problems resulting from it are widespread among foreign students. A number of studies have been conducted and programs have been developed to solve the psychosocial adaptation problems encountered by foreign students in European countries.
Keywords: Education, Student, Psychological health, Adaptation
Citation: Allahyarova, S., & Səməndərova, A. (2024). Mental Health Problems of Students Studying Abroad. Journal of Educational Studies (JEDUCAT), 2(1), 88-98. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12639434
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Research Paper -02
Age Crisis at Different Age Period of the Child Psychologıcal Features and Symptoms
Uşağın Müxtəlif Yaş Dövrlərində Yaş Böhranlarının Psixoloji Xüsusiyyətləri və Onların Təzahürü
Dosent Nurəngiz Tofiq qızı Rzayeva
"Crisis" is an expressive form of conflicts that occur on the threshold of transition from one age stage to another. "Age crises" are inevitable in different periods of childhood. Age crises separate stable periods and create a transition between them. It should be noted that for many decades, in the strategy of children's development and assessment, the periods of age crisis have been characterized as ineffective, less productive periods, and evaluated as "difficult" periods. Such a strategy of negative assessment of development has led to a non-humanistic way of looking at it, and has led to excessive exaggeration of failures and manifestations caused by the influence of internal uncontrollable processes beyond the child's control. For many years in the socio-psychological literature, as a result of the "crises" of age, the new mental qualities that appeared in the spiritual world of the personality were overshadowed, his personal activity in development was forgotten, and optimal ways out of the crisis situation that arose were not shown. It has been determined from the research that the transition from one age stage to another in the mental development of the personality, as a rule, takes place in a vigorous and intense manner.
Keywords: Crisis, Age, Personality, Age crisis, Childhood, Difficult Period.
Citation: Rzayeva, N. (2024). Age Crisis at Different Age Period of the Child Psychologıcal Features and Symptoms. Journal of Educational Studies (JEDUCAT), 2(1), 99-112. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12663657
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Research Paper-03
Examination of Literacy Skills Added to the 2018 Social Studies Curriculum
2018 Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretim Programına Eklenen Okuryazarlık Becerilerinin İncelenmesi
Merve Arslan
Literacy is expressed as acquiring knowledge about a certain subject and concept, making sense of this information and assimilating it in the life process. As a result of the development of the age, different types of literacy emerged. The purpose of this study is to examine the literacy skills added to the 2018 Social Studies Curriculum on an achievement basis and to determine to what extent they are included in the objectives when the specific objectives of the program are examined. The research was prepared by document analysis within the scope of qualitative research method. According to the findings of the research; Each literacies are located at different grade levels and in different learning areas. The frequency of skills being included in achievements is hierarchically financial, environmental, political, law, map, digital and media. These literacies are included in a total of 23 achievements in the Social Studies Curriculum. Additionally, it was observed that the distribution of literacy in achievements was unbalanced and it was suggested that this should be corrected.
Keywords: Social Studies Curriculum, Media, Literacy and Literacy Skills.
Citation: Arslan, M. (2024). Examination of Literacy Skills Added to the 2018 Social Studies Curriculum. Journal of Educational Studies (JEDUCAT), 2(1), 113-140. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12667715
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Research Paper-04
Hatay Earthquakes and Education Throughout History
Tarih Boyunca Hatay Depremleri ve Eğitim
Berhan Ayrıldı, Doç. Dr. H. Vehbi İmamoğlu
Throughout history, humankind has constantly faced natural disasters. Turkey is known as an earthquake country because it completed its formation in the third and fourth geological time. Many fault lines pass through Turkey, which is located between the Eurasian plate in the north and the Arabian and African plates in the south. This situation shows that almost all provinces in Turkey are earthquake zones. Hatay, located among these provinces, has taken its place as a first-degree earthquake zone. Due to its location, Hatay is a city that has been constantly exposed to earthquakes since its founding. Considering its history, the city has been destroyed many times and an urban settlement area has been formed again. The city, which was again destroyed by the earthquake that occurred on February 6 and 20, 2023, caused many losses of life and property. This situation has attracted the attention of researchers, and although the city has seen many devastating earthquakes, the aim of this study is to resettle the city.
Keywords: Hatay-Antioch, History, Earthquakes, Effects
Citation: Ayrıldı, B., & İmamoğlu, H. V. (2024). Hatay Earthquakes and Education Throughout History. Journal of Educational Studies (JEDUCAT), 2(1), 141-162. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12679180
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Research Paper-05
The Idea of National Patriotism of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev
Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin Milli Vətənpərvərlik İdeyası
Prof.Məcid İsmixanov, Doç.Dr. Kamala Gahramanova
This article reflects on the concept of national patriotism developed by Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of Azerbaijan. It discusses the essence, content, and ways of implementation of his ideas, as well as the basic principles underlying his concept of national patriotism. The concept of national patriotism developed by Heydar Aliyev encompasses a wide range of ideas, including love, respect, and loyalty to the homeland, people, nation, state, state symbols, land, history, language, religion, national-spiritual and universal human values, traditions, as well as the idea of Azerbaijaniism and Azerbaijanis worldwide. It is also expressed in a sense of solidarity with other nationalities living in Azerbaijan. National Leader Heydar Aliyev's valuable scientific-theoretical and pedagogical heritage, as well as his conceptual views on national-spiritual education, national patriotism, and Azerbaijaniism, have had a profound impact on the development of modern Azerbaijan national pedagogical thought. His ideas are of great importance in terms of the national moral education of the young generation.
Keywords: National Leader of Azerbaijan, national patriotism concept, symbols of national statehood, patriotism education, its content and main directions.
Citation: İsmixanov, M., & Gahramanova, K. (2024). National Patriotic Idea of Azerbaijan National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Journal of Educational Studies (JEDUCAT), 2(1), 163-171. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12679276
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